The PSC&RB course consists of the essential knowledge needed in case if a crew has faced an emergency that results in ship abandonment. This PSC&RB course is for a coxswain or anyone who is a part of the lifeboat crew and who will be responsible for safe abandonment in case if needed. In an emergency, a coxswain has to feel confident while launching and recovering a survival craft or rescue boats.

Before enrolling in the PSC&RB course, students should have a basic level of fitness. The participants will study:

  1. rescue procedures;
  2. abandonment procedures;
  3. correct use of emergency equipment;
  4. types of rescue boats, survival crafts, and associated equipment;
  5. how to coordinate the rescue of survivors to a safe place;
  6. how to operate an enclosed lifeboat on open water;
  7. boat handling;
  8. how to run a survival craft engine;
  9. survivors` management upon ship has been abandoned;
  10. the use of communication devices like pyrotechnics and signaling equipment;
  11. rescue boat launching and recovering with the help of single-arm davit and gravity davits;
  12. basic knowledge of first aid;
  13. being a leader of a survival craft and rescue boats;
  14. division of tasks and responsibilities when it is time to abandon ship.

Курс розроблений для морських фахівців, які відповідають за вантажні операції на суднах, що перевозять небезпечні речовини і здійснюють на суднах операції з небезпечними вантажами, відповідно до норм вищезазначених регламентуючих документів, для отримання мінімальних навичок компетенції відповідно до вимог розділів B-V/b та B-V/c згідно з таблицями A-II/1, A-II/2, A-II/3, A-II/5 Кодексу ПДНВ.

A Ship Security Officer (SSO) is responsible for the security of the ship and for maintaining the Ship Security Plan set out by the shipping company. To do so, he or she must have knowledge of, and have received training in a range of competencies listed in the ISPS Code Part B Article 13.1. The SSO Course is based on the IMO Model course and is designed to meet this requirement.

Course Aim

The aim of this training programme is to provide a Ships Security Officer with the knowledge and skills to carry out his/her duties as a designated Ship Security Officer in accordance with the International Ship and Port Facility Code. In particular, he or she will be able to:

Monitor and manage Ships security systems and processes
Motivate and train the crew to perform security duties
Supervise the implementation and maintenance of a Ship Security Plan